Wednesday, November 17, 2010

No Way Out of Clarity.

Right now, you can stop thinking for a brief moment. What remains when you do that ? There is a subtle but undeniable presence and alertness. This is what we call clarity or awareness.
You already have it :)

Now you know what to emphasize throughout your day. Relax and acknowledge this alertness whenever you remember. What you will start to experience is that nothing about you needs to change in order to recognize clarity.

Your thoughts and experiences always offer you the same golden opportunity - to recognize clarity or not. Healthy, sick, fat, thin, rich, poor, happy sad..... all possible experiences are powerful reminders to recognize the easeful expanse at the basis of your own existence.

There is no way out of clarity :) /

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Balanced View Centre Second Life

I am very excited to announce we now have a virtual Balanced View Centre in Second Life.
Second Life is completely free to download and use : ) Go to and check out the information videos.

Basically, Second Life ( SL ) enables participants to create an avatar - a virtual person - in order to visit and interact with millions of other people from all over the real world. This means that you can be involved in "face to face" meetings and teachings from your own home location.

Many Balanced View Trainers now have avatars and we will soon be offering numerous meetings and teachings. If you want to be a part of this incredible enterprise, please email my avatar ( ) and I will send you all the information you need to create an avatar and visit the centre.

Hopefully I will meet many of you in the virtual world : )

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Basis of all Experience.

The basis of all experience is clarity. Nothing could be experienced or known without this innate quality.
It is the only thing about us that does not need to be confirmed by argument or discussion or backed up by other people's ideas.

Whether we believe we are the most screwed up person on the planet, the greatest super-being ever, or anything in between, the unchanging ground of all of these experiences is identical : clarity.
This is the only place where true stability resides and it's recognition and acknowledgement is obvious in each short moment. It is always present no matter what our experience is.

When we rely on our own experience of short moments of clarity, there is a natural relaxation and less of an emphasis
on self-centred concerns. Effortlessly, our focus moves to the benefit of all. This is the key to a harmonious
human society : individuals committing to clarity as the basis of their day to day lives. It's up to you and me : )

The Four Mainstays of Balanced View allow us to gently gain increasing confidence in this as a lived experience. /

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Clarity Around the World.

We've just had an amazing time here in England. Tomorrow I'm off to Colorado to be with Candice and the community there. On Sunday we will link up from the U.S by live stream to the community in Australia.

Each individual, empowering themselves with short moments of clarity, brings about a global
clarity society. Isn't that amazing ? We have the solution in each one of us, right here, right now.

"Short moments of clarity, repeated many times, become continuous". /